It was a tough couple of days for two of our friends.
Oakley came home yesterday after one of his hunting trips in the woods
He had apparently cut the pad on the bottom of one of his back feet.
(which we changed several times until the bleeding stopped).
Without the dressing, he walks on his foot just fine,
however with the dressing, he is all about getting everyone's pity!
He is Oakely the Amazing 3 Legged Dog!
Meanwhile, in the goat pen, Chip and Fred have gone head to head
a few too many times,
leaving Fred with a battered and bloody scalp.
Don't be alarmed, this happens every mating season.
Boys love to show the girls who the toughest goat is!
Why is it that males are so competitive?
I have even seen two of our roosters enjoying a game of horseshoes...
and disagreeing over who was closest to the pin!
Silly, silly boys...
I've got to tell you,
we girls are not impressed by this behavior!